Monday, January 6, 2014

I put my new wool sweater in the dryer and other mistakes I made in life

I was so careful to make sure I put none of her jeans or sweaters in the dryer as per her instruction. I have been not so careful most other times, in  a rush or impatient to sort through or choosing to play dumb, telling myself its brain fog, thats my excuse 'brain fog and  a sore back'. Of course even if I was good at lieing or lying (how the fuck do you spell liing?) to myself I am less good at lying to other people so even if I had remembered to make an excuse for once again ruining the laundry, she wouldn't have believed me anyhow.
This time however was different and its not so much that I really care about ruining the laundry, its that I care that in her eyes I am responsible, have my shit together so to speak. So this morning, feeling almost smug for not screwing anything up last night she bellows from the bedroom "you shouldn't have put your wool sweater in the dryer".
Now I have to keep it a secret from my mother, how I ruined the wool sweater she gave me for christmas, because I also want my mother thinking I am responsible and have my shit together.
So for the next few months of winter I will try to feel comfortable wearing the nice tight sweater my mom bought me for 'not christmas, sort of for your birthday'.